- Addiction 1
- Alfred Korzybski 2
- Aloha 1
- Atman 1
- Bhakti 13
- Buddhism 5
- Christianity 2
- Divine Mother 2
- Gopala 1
- Grace 3
- Guru Stotram 1
- Hanuman 12
- Hanuman Chalisa 9
- Hanuman Maui 5
- Holy Name 1
- Indian Classical 1
- Interspiritual 1
- Jon Vasu Seskevich 2
- Kripa 4
- Love 4
- Loving-Awareness 14
- Mandukya Upanishad 1
- Meditations 6
- Mindrolling 1
- Neem Karoli Baba 4
- Planes of Consciousness 1
- Poetry 1
- Ram Dass 18
- Rama 1
- Remembrance 1
- Robert Anton Wilson 2
- Service 2
- Shiva 1
- Siddhi Ma 1
- Spiritual Bypassing 1
- Stephen Levine 1
- Stever Dallman 1
- Turiya 1
- UFOs 1
- aliens 1
- anger 1
- archetypes 1
- bhajan 2
- bhakti 4
- chai 1
- chanting 2
- chaplain 1
- dassi ma 2
- death 6
Hari Scott Whitmore: A Confirmation of Faith
Hari Scott Whitmore gives a sermon at Southport Congregational Church in Connecticut. He discusses what he has learned on his path and beautifully summarizes the teachings of Love, Serve, and Remember that he learned from Ram Dass and Neem Karoli Baba.
hanging your coat off a cross- Leo Seyij Allen
Leo Seyij Allen is a Baptist minister working at the intersection of faith and justice. Their work and scholarship are rooted in the teachings of prophets like Jesus, Buddha, and Audre Lorde. Leo Seyij is the Public Historian for the LGBTQ Religious Archives Network and serves on the board of Transmission Ministry Collective. They are currently finishing graduate studies at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA.