- Addiction 1
- Alfred Korzybski 2
- Aloha 1
- Atman 1
- Bhakti 14
- Buddhism 5
- Christianity 2
- Divine Mother 2
- Gopala 1
- Grace 3
- Guru Stotram 1
- Hanuman 12
- Hanuman Chalisa 9
- Hanuman Maui 5
- Holy Name 1
- Indian Classical 1
- Interspiritual 1
- Jon Vasu Seskevich 2
- Kripa 4
- Love 4
- Loving-Awareness 15
- Mandukya Upanishad 1
- Meditations 6
- Mindrolling 1
- Neem Karoli Baba 4
- Planes of Consciousness 1
- Poetry 1
- Ram Dass 18
- Rama 1
- Remembrance 1
- Robert Anton Wilson 2
- Service 2
- Shiva 1
- Siddhi Ma 1
- Spiritual Bypassing 1
- Stephen Levine 1
- Stever Dallman 1
- Turiya 1
- UFOs 1
- aliens 1
- anger 1
- archetypes 1
- bhajan 2
- bhakti 4
- chai 1
- chanting 2
- chaplain 1
- dassi ma 2
- death 6
Mistaking Planes of Consciousness
I have found it important to have a clear map of the different planes of consciousness. Our maps are how we see the world, and without a proper one, we are going to unconsciously view our experiences from whatever existing maps we already have in place. Many of the paranoid worldviews I have encountered are formed from a combination of having a non-ordinary experience, an inadequate map, and unfamiliarity with the various planes of consciousness.