A new SCP offering, Loving-Awareness: Awakening the Heartmind through the Path of Grace, offers an overview of the path of Love with accessible practices and a collection of awakening and healing stories to aid the spiritual journey.
This book is regenerative: all money raised from sales will go towards offering free copies to those in need. Anyone who asks will be given a free digital copy, and those without internet access or imprisoned within the US carceral system will be mailed a physical book.
Collecting Stories
First Draft
Cover Art
Next Step: Editing
The Loving-Awareness book is truly a community effort. Scroll down to meet the ever-growing team…
Lead Author and Editor
Sitaram Dass (he/him) spent several years serving his beloved teacher Ram Dass on Maui, where he was shown the path of Bhakti, the yoga of service and devotion to God. He is a kirtan singer, workshop leader, clinical social worker, published author, and spiritual counselor. His first book, From and for God, is an intimate and contemplative collection of writings on the spiritual path. Learn more about Sitaram Dass at:
Book Design and Cover Art
Beverly Hsu (she/they) is here to make art and delight in God—in all their forms. Inspired and guided by Ram Dass’s teaching that “social action happens heart to heart to heart,” she is exploring how we connect hearts through art, conscious design, and service. Some of her ideas and creations are shared at ✨
(Listed alphabetically by last name)