- Addiction 1
- Alfred Korzybski 2
- Aloha 1
- Atman 1
- Bhakti 14
- Buddhism 5
- Christianity 2
- Divine Mother 2
- Gopala 1
- Grace 3
- Guru Stotram 1
- Hanuman 12
- Hanuman Chalisa 9
- Hanuman Maui 5
- Holy Name 1
- Indian Classical 1
- Interspiritual 1
- Jon Vasu Seskevich 2
- Kripa 4
- Love 4
- Loving-Awareness 15
- Mandukya Upanishad 1
- Meditations 6
- Mindrolling 1
- Neem Karoli Baba 4
- Planes of Consciousness 1
- Poetry 1
- Ram Dass 18
- Rama 1
- Remembrance 1
- Robert Anton Wilson 2
- Service 2
- Shiva 1
- Siddhi Ma 1
- Spiritual Bypassing 1
- Stephen Levine 1
- Stever Dallman 1
- Turiya 1
- UFOs 1
- aliens 1
- anger 1
- archetypes 1
- bhajan 2
- bhakti 4
- chai 1
- chanting 2
- chaplain 1
- dassi ma 2
- death 6
Swapnil Abrol: The Play of Love
Swapnil Abrol gives a talk on Bhakti Yoga and weaves english storytelling into traditional Bhajans.
Daniel Paul: Music as a Path - Tabla, Indian Classical, and Tales of the Greats
Host Hari Scott Whitmore interviews his tabla teacher and Indian classical legend Daniel Paul. Daniel is a captivating storyteller, and he shares about his time with masters such as Ali Akbar Khan and Zakir Hussain, the origins and history of Indian Classical music, and the inherent sacredness of tabla rhythm. Whether a lover of classical music or new to the form, everyone can benefit from this episode and gain a deeper appreciation for this ancient and sacred art form.