Hari Scott Whitmore: A Confirmation of Faith

Hari Scott Whitmore gives a sermon at Southport Congregational Church in Connecticut. He discusses what he has learned on his path and beautifully summarizes the teachings of Love, Serve, and Remember that he learned from Ram Dass and Neem Karoli Baba.

Hari Scott Whitmore began leading kirtan over ten years ago in Ram Dass’s living room, where he served as a personal caregiver. Over the years he has had the honor of accompanying many incredible kirtan wallahs including Krishna Das, Nina Rao, Devadas, and his bandmates in Kripa. During his time as the Director of Outreach for the Call and Response Foundation, he helped organize kirtans in prisons and recovery centers throughout the United States. This work is now carried out by the Sacred Community Project, of which Hari is a founding member. You can explore his musical offerings on https://kripa.guru

The Sacred Community Podcast is an inter-spiritual hub of the universal teachings, “Love, Service, Remembrance, and Truth.” Home to Sacred Community Project interviews, live workshop recordings, dharma talks, and meditations, each episode is carefully curated to ensure its alignment with SCP values.


SCP Logo: Beverly Hsu

Music: Carl Golembeski


An Interspiritual Stance


Priti Durga: It starts At Home