- Addiction 1
- Alfred Korzybski 2
- Aloha 1
- Atman 1
- Bhakti 14
- Buddhism 5
- Christianity 2
- Divine Mother 2
- Gopala 1
- Grace 3
- Guru Stotram 1
- Hanuman 12
- Hanuman Chalisa 9
- Hanuman Maui 5
- Holy Name 1
- Indian Classical 1
- Interspiritual 1
- Jon Vasu Seskevich 2
- Kripa 4
- Love 4
- Loving-Awareness 15
- Mandukya Upanishad 1
- Meditations 6
- Mindrolling 1
- Neem Karoli Baba 4
- Planes of Consciousness 1
- Poetry 1
- Ram Dass 18
- Rama 1
- Remembrance 1
- Robert Anton Wilson 2
- Service 2
- Shiva 1
- Siddhi Ma 1
- Spiritual Bypassing 1
- Stephen Levine 1
- Stever Dallman 1
- Turiya 1
- UFOs 1
- aliens 1
- anger 1
- archetypes 1
- bhajan 2
- bhakti 4
- chai 1
- chanting 2
- chaplain 1
- dassi ma 2
- death 6
Sarah Anderson and Kenneth Robinson: The Constructed Self
Sarah Anderson, LCSW, interviews her previous therapist, Kenneth Robinson, MS, MTS, for a conversation about psychological healing. This is a follow up conversation from their previous conversation: A Healing Relationship, and in this conversation they convey a synthesis between the psychological and the spiritual through topics such as ego loss, the constructed self, the inner child, vulnerability, and interdependence.
Sarah Anderson and Kenneth Robinson: A Healing Relationship
Sarah Anderson, LCSW, interviews her previous therapist, Kenneth Robinson, MS, MTS, for a conversation about what constitutes a healing relationship. Although a conversation between two therapists, their discussion applies to all healing relationships, including friends, romantic partners, or between students and teachers. Their conversation touches upon universal themes of the human condition that blend the psychological and spiritual and range from trauma and safety to ecstasy and liberation. As Kenneth says, “Freedom is not a luxury; Ecstasy is not an indulgence.”
Stever Dallman, PhD: A Survey of Love
Stever Dallman, PhD joins Sitaram Dass for a discussion on the topic of Love. What does Unconditional Love mean? How do we practice it? What does it look like within an interpersonal relationship? How is Love an active and transformational force? How do we surrender to it?