- Addiction 1
- Alfred Korzybski 2
- Aloha 1
- Atman 1
- Bhakti 14
- Buddhism 5
- Christianity 2
- Divine Mother 2
- Gopala 1
- Grace 3
- Guru Stotram 1
- Hanuman 12
- Hanuman Chalisa 9
- Hanuman Maui 5
- Holy Name 1
- Indian Classical 1
- Interspiritual 1
- Jon Vasu Seskevich 2
- Kripa 4
- Love 4
- Loving-Awareness 15
- Mandukya Upanishad 1
- Meditations 6
- Mindrolling 1
- Neem Karoli Baba 4
- Planes of Consciousness 1
- Poetry 1
- Ram Dass 18
- Rama 1
- Remembrance 1
- Robert Anton Wilson 2
- Service 2
- Shiva 1
- Siddhi Ma 1
- Spiritual Bypassing 1
- Stephen Levine 1
- Stever Dallman 1
- Turiya 1
- UFOs 1
- aliens 1
- anger 1
- archetypes 1
- bhajan 2
- bhakti 4
- chai 1
- chanting 2
- chaplain 1
- dassi ma 2
- death 6
Ramananda John Welshons: The Eternal Now
Ramananda John Welshons is interviewed by Free Landauer to discuss the path of meditation, awakening from grief, and grace. Ramananda also shares some sweet stories about his lifelong friendship with Ram Dass, and he even shares one about SCP director Sitaram Dass.
David Nichtern: Suddenly Free from Fixed Mind
David Nichtern from Dharma Moon sits down with Greg "Aditya Das" Barbush to discuss mindfulness, the path of meditation, the concept of "suddenly free from fixed mind," the guru from the Tibetan Buddhist perspective, and the relationship between Bhakti Yoga and Buddhism.
Connor Burns: Mindfulness Meditation
Connor Burns leads a short mindfulness meditation at the 2023 Sacred Community Retreat that was held on Salt Spring Island in British Columbia.
feeling the sand beneath your toes [01.03] Matthew Pavan Das
"zander" (they/them) talks to The Universe in the form of "Matthew/Pavan Das" (he/him). After diving in through Pav's entry to the world of the spirit, we explore the practice of kirtan, shifting the culture from God as judger to lover, the non-dual space within our practice of self-love, serving Ram Dass, the new arena that opened after his body's departure, and desire being another side of intention.
hanging your coat off a cross- Leo Seyij Allen
Leo Seyij Allen is a Baptist minister working at the intersection of faith and justice. Their work and scholarship are rooted in the teachings of prophets like Jesus, Buddha, and Audre Lorde. Leo Seyij is the Public Historian for the LGBTQ Religious Archives Network and serves on the board of Transmission Ministry Collective. They are currently finishing graduate studies at Columbia Theological Seminary in Decatur, GA.
sitting in a circle across from yourself
“zander” (they/them) talks to The Universe in the form of “Sitaram Dass" (he/him) about honoring commitments and boundaries within oneself and between others, the fruits that may arise from contemplative and devotional practices, and the importance of intentionally showing up in community.
F*ckup’s Guide to the Universe
Sitaram Dass was a guest on Jamie Kilstein’s F*ckup’s Guide to the Universe Podcast