Thais Aquino Photo Art Prints

from $15.00

This is the second series of collaborations with artists whose creations are born out of the love of Ram Dass, Neem Karoli Baba, Siddhi Ma, and Hanuman. Proceeds go towards paying the artist and supporting the Sacred Community Project.

Six soulful photos and images created by Thais Aquino are offered as high quality 5x7 inch art prints. Any or all of these would make a lovely addition to your altar, wall art, or postcards to share Thais’s art far and wide with friends. Scroll down to read her artist’s statement about each piece.

5x7 inches (12.7 x 17.8 cm)
Printed by Collective Copies, a worker-owned collective and union print shop located in Florence, Massachusetts

Shipping and handling included for US mailing addresses. International orders: please email for a shipping quote.

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Artist’s Statement

Hanuman series
Medium Format Film Photography of my dear friend Jon Seskevich’s Hanuman wooden murti. For those who have been blessed to know Jon’s home, you know you are in for a treat. Thank you Jon for letting me take this photograph of Hanuman :)

Soul Garden
Medium Format Film Photography of enchanting flowers at Hanuman Gardens in Ojai during our last Ram Dass Immersion Retreat. A moment in time that will always fill our wild hearts with sweet memories of devotion and community. For each flower in this image I see a soul in their unique incarnation.

Maharaji series
Love everyone and tell the truth. Love everyone and tell the truth. Love everyone and tell the truth. Art honoring the existence of Neem Karoli Baba and all the infinite ways in which his life has changed ours. No mantra, no teaching, no quote is more powerful than this one for me. To love everyone and tell the truth has radically changed the way I perceive community, it has brought immense health to my relationships, honesty to my behaviors and helped me transition into new chapters of awakening and creative destiny. Thank you Baba!

Photography honoring the nectar of God. Sometimes I see no God but every time I realize God... I am God… like a flower that smells it’s own fragrance and remembers God. God exists in the process of realizing it, not in something or someone :)

Large format prints of these images (as well as other beautiful photographs by Thais) are available for purchase at


About the Artist

Thais Aquino is an intuitive artist, soul photographer, and visual poet destined to make art from a poetic presence and spiritual aesthetics. Thais’s creations evoke an awakening into a sense of meaning and purpose through emotive storytelling while embracing the depth between the invisible world and the human experience. When Thais discovered Ram Dass’ teachings she learned not only a lot about LOVE, but also how to take every experience in life as a vehicle for awakening. Her art honors all creative beings transmuting their emotional complexity and realization of God into poetic art forms. As a dynamic photographer, image & meaning maker, Thais serves a community of powerful artists, healers, coaches, thinkers, and spiritual entrepreneurs on Maui, New York, and California.

Instagram: @tthhass