The Sacred Community Project is an interspiritual collective working to awaken Sacred Community in the world. Through the eternal teachings of “Love, Service, Remembrance, and Truth,” SCP lowers the barriers of access to contemplative and devotional practices through affordable, free, and donation-based offerings, spiritual support, and prison outreach.


Our core vision is a world of Sacred Community, where interdependence is valued over individualism, truth over manipulation, caring over exploitation, presence over distraction, and where an expansive, all-inclusive Love joyously welcomes all Beings into Its warm embrace.


For this to come to fruition, we believe we can no longer separate the systemic, the communal, the relational, the personal, or the Sacred. These are interwoven and mutually-dependent threads forming the tapestry of Sacred Community.


Through the eternal teachings of “Love, Service, Remembrance, and Truth,” SCP works to awaken Sacred Community by lowering the barriers of access to contemplative and devotional practices.


This is accomplished through four main activities:


Spiritual Support: Video-chat, phone, and email support for anyone seeking spiritual direction and guidance on their paths.

Prison Outreach: Kirtan, meditation, workshops, and letter writing to people in prisons across the country. We provide educational materials, books, CDs, instruments, mala beads, etc.


Shop: A regenerative hub that aims to honor a diverse set of patrons, artists, cultures, laborers, supply chains, and the Earth.


Affordable, free, and donation-based content:

  • Music

  • Videos

  • Writings

  • Books

  • Podcasts

  • Online Courses


Just as we have benefited from the teachings passed down to us, we feel a responsibility to be of service to future generations. 

A part of our Seva is to support the temples, artists, and teachers who steward the living streams of authentic tradition. 



Writings, Music, Podcasts, Tutorials, Teachings, and Updates